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Sugar Control Point Clip

Sugar Control Point Clip

Regular price Rs. 699.00
Regular price Rs. 1,999.00 Sale price Rs. 699.00

1. Improve blood flow, and improve the function of your organs.

As a treatment methodology, acupressure focuses on fighting the symptoms from its start. Diabetes is a chronic condition that results from high blood sugar levels. It occurs as the result of an imbalance in insulin levels, which is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps regulate your blood sugar levels.

Acupressure can effectively help manage diabetes by regulating your pancreatic function. It also helps improve your metabolism and fights obesity which is a major risk factor for developing Type 2 diabetes.

How Does Sugar Control  LI4 Acupressure Point Clip Work?

Sugar Control  LI4 Acupressure Point Clip applies pressure to the joint between your thumb and first finger, also known as the intestine point or the hand valley point, which helps control ailments such as diabetes, and intestinal problems and provides pain relief and also reduces excess heat in the body.

When you have diabetes, your liver may become overworked because it has to work extra hard to keep your blood glucose levels under control. This can lead to fatigue and decreased energy levels in general—which will only make it more difficult for you to manage your diabetes effectively.

Clinical trial research was conducted with around 300 people using the clip as subjects for a period of two weeks. After the said trial, 90% of the subject observed that the patients showed a significant drop in blood glucose levels. 

What makes Sugar Control  LI4 Acupressure Point Clip a great choice?

  • Effectively control blood sugar levels
  • Reflexology/Acupuncture Therapy
  • Stimulates insulin production
  • Boosts faster metabolism and digestion
  • Improve blood flow, and improves the function of your organs (especially the liver)
  • Easy blood sugar control

See more from our happy customer's feedback

"My blood sugar has gone down from 7.7 to 6.0 after wearing Acuplus™ for 2 hours. What a blessing. I have maintained this since then so far. I am convinced it works." - John Angelo

"My fasting blood sugar has gone down from 170 to 100 after using Acuplus™ twice ad day for 3 consecutive days. What a blessing. I have maintained this since then so far. I am convinced it works!" - Euber Kraig

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